Widgets Team
From Widgepedia
Production Team
Junko Takahashi, design and layout
Jack Henry, video production
Rachel Wilson, consulting editor
Paul Raine, website development
David Chapman, commissioned photography
Harry Kearns, commissioned illustrations
Wiki Contributors
Video Credits
First Edition: The following individuals have our gratitude for their insights and support on the original course: Bonnie Armantrout, Tamarah Cohen, Scott Duarte, Robert Habbick, Hideo Gray, Roy Gilbert, Michael Griffin, Tom Harper, Mary Hillis, Curtis Kelly, J. Lake, Tae Lee, Michael McCollister, Katherine McKay, Mika Miyasone, Reiko Murota, Kaya Reed, Jason Renshaw, Jerome Rothermund, Kevin Ryan, John Rylander, Chuck Sandy, Shoko Sasayama, Laurie Stuart, Ayano Sueyoshi, Malcolm Swanson, Ching-Yi Tien, Eric Vogt.
Second Edition: A special note of thanks goes to Mark Firth for his tireless availability for feedback, and to Sayaka Toshikiyo, Ryo Inui, Rilla Roessel, Ben Dyer, Amy Lee, Takeshi Kamimura, and Alastair Lamond for helping us transition the book into its new incarnation.
We also cannot forget our original publisher, Rachel Wilson, and editor, Michael Tom, both of whom set such an extraordinarily high bar that we’re still trying to live up to it ten years later.
Finally, three names are hereby inducted into the Widgets Hall of Fame for their absolutely outstanding support and guidance since the very beginning. They are Michiyo Mitamura, Steve King, and Marc Helgesen; thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
If we missed anyone, please let us know or just add it in yourself — this is a wiki, after all. We'll fix any omissions on the next printing!