Course Videos
From Widgepedia
Teachers, please read Widgets Inc.#Course Video regarding the course video.
Stage 1
Video 1: [COMING SOON] Welcome to Widgets (p. 5)
Video 2: Water cooler chat - 3 examples (p. 8)
Video 3: Meet the founders (p. 9)
Stage 2
Video 4: Jessica's R&D project intro (p. 15)
Video 5: Elevator pitch example (p. 22)
Stage 3
Video 6: [COMING SOON] SWOT analysis (p. 28)
Video 7: Titus' product selection intro (p. 29)
Video 8: Poster presentation example (p. 35)
Stage 4
Video 9: Titus' market research intro (p. 42)
Video 10: [COMING SOON] Focus group (p. 45)
Stage 5
Video 11: Miki's marketing project intro (p. 58)
Video 12: [COMING SOON] Ad campaign presentation (p. 62)
Stage 6
Video 13: [COMING SOON] Final message from the founders (p. 73)
Video 14: [COMING SOON] Job interview (p. 80)
To download Widgets videos to your device:
1) Select the video from the streaming list below;
2) At the top-right side of the video player, click on the "Share" icon (it looks like a paper airplane);
3) Click on the URL which points to the video on;
4) Once at the Vimeo page, look for the "Download" button.
If you do download the videos, please check back here at the end of February 2019, as we are still finishing post-production on some of the videos. Even the ones that are now available below may be slightly updated.
User Videos
We encourage teachers (with appropriate permissions) to upload videos of their students successfully performing tasks. Eventually, as the wiki grows, we hope to begin categorizing these as examples at different CEFR levels (A1-C2).
Video files cannot be uploaded directly to this wiki. They need to be linked or embedded from a streaming source such as Vimeo or YouTube. If you have a sample video you wish to share, but don't know how to do this, please contact us.